Transparent and universal urban marking systems are an increasingly important element of the promotion of cities and towns. They become an important element of building and consolidating the image and brand of the city. A well-designed City Information System, which is primarily unified in terms of visual, architectural as well as design, is easily recognizable, legible, affects the improvement of spatial order, and most importantly, allows efficient mobility in the urban space and convenient access to information about city.
The city information system usually includes hundreds and often thousands of information elements, such as plates with street names, numbering of buildings, information about the location of public facilities, monuments, information for drivers or pedestrians, etc. More and more often the demand for CIS entry is also observed in large industrial plants. An interesting element of the CIS is the possibility of using the system as an advertising medium, consistent with the image of the city, which allows you to get income.
Our extensive experience in designing and building City Information Systems allows us to prepare and implement comprehensively every project. We create each CIS project in cooperation with the public administration. UTAL has been involved in the implementation of your intentions for over twenty years and, together with you, influences the shape of the surrounding reality.
The construction of the City Information System should begin with the preparation of the project. We offer you a comprehensive solution in the form of a City Information System, technical design of individual CIS elements, a CIS location project and execution.
UTAL © 2025
Created by B-MIND
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 27001:2017
ISO 14001:2015